What My Jesus Taught Me

Photo by KEVIN MACH on Pexels.com

“I’d shoot them myself”

“If you don’t agree to defund the police, we can’t stay friends”

“If I see a protest on the road, I’m hitting them with my car”

“Conservatives have no value for life except in abortion issues”

“If you support BLM, you are in cahoots with a hater group that goes against everything Christianity stands for”

“If you don’t wear a mask you are selfish”

“If you do wear a mask you are fearful”

It is all so polarizing. It is all so extreme. It is all so wrong. I have heard and read people making these statements and they all break my heart. None of them exhibit the heart of Jesus. John 3:17 says that Jesus came to save the world, not condemn it. Never in my life have I experienced just controversy. It has been painful to see people I love and respect make generalization comments like those above, even in a casual setting. It’s not right and it’s not what my Jesus taught me.

My Jesus taught me to sit and listen to people before judging them and even then, He taught me not to judge them.

My Jesus taught me to stand up for truth, but not by alienating myself.

My Jesus taught me to love people who lived a different lifestyle than me. My Jesus taught me to be kind, generous, and out-of-the-way intentional.

My Jesus taught me to seek humility, He taught me that changing my mind is okay. He taught me that growth is encouraged for all ages and seasons of life.

My Jesus taught me to treat the widow, foreigner, child, sick, and homeless as co-heirs in the kingdom.

My Jesus taught me to seek out people different from me, so that I could love and learn.

My Jesus didn’t teach me to burn bridges, He taught me to build them.

My Jesus is my example, my teacher, my truth. If I were to live outside of that truth, I would dishonor everything I believe. My Jesus teaches reconciliation, truth, and compassion. If you publicly or privately say things similar to the quotes above, I do not know which Jesus you are following, but it’s not mine.

But I promise to not judge you, because I believe that everyone has room to learn, and that’s okay! If you are a Trump supporter and a Christian, I promise to not judge you. If you are a Biden supporter and a Christian, I promise to not judge you. I will not judge you if you #BacktheBlue or if you are #DefundthePolice. If you are in favor or against #BLM, I will not judge you. If you are for or against masks, I will not judge you. I will not judge you because my Jesus taught me to not judge, and I will listen because my Jesus taught me to listen. My Jesus taught me to remember that GOD is King and my neighbor is my brother. I will tell you my thoughts, but I will not assume that I am fully correct, because my Jesus taught me that there is wisdom in humility. My authority is not a party and it sure is not a president, it’s the scriptures.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” -Psalm 20:7

There will not be progress until we are willing to let go of our ego and embrace the attitude of our humble Teacher and Master. Giving people an ultimatum through take me or leave me culture is unhealthy and toxic. It’s not what Jesus taught me. It burns every bridge outside of those who are likeminded.

This world is not my home.

But I suspect that we will be suprised to see who our next door neighbors are in heaven.

I wonder if I’ll ask myself, “Did I love and respect them?” or “Did I judge them and shove my beliefs down their throat?”

I wonder if Jesus will say, “Well done, my faithful student” or “I do not know you”

I wonder if I will be overjoyed to see my neighbors or disappointed that their political views are not aligned with mine.

The divisions in this world even amongst Christians is not how my Jesus taught me to live. My Jesus did not teach me to ostracize those with a different view than mine. He taught me the exact opposite. He taught me to be the meekest of the meek(still working on it). My Jesus taught me to push aside my agenda, for the sake of the kingdom.

If you would like a safe place to process through thoughts on the pandemic, politics, police, or race issues, please message me. I promise to not judge you. But I will listen to you, care for you, and tell you my truth just as my Jesus taught me.

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